...and all day and through the night, thoughts of this journey are brimming from my head and heart, a flowing that is invading my soul. As I search for the next path to wander along, these words will stick, they are my mantra. I know this.
There is nothing like being removed from home...caught up in a place were time stands still (for the moment, anyway) and being forced to reflect. Having my first moments while on summer break, cracking open new moleskine sketchbook and using a brand new ink pen has been therapeutic. This image is one small part of the bird bath from the deck at my father's house in Arizona. Anticipate more......
It's natural to dislike saying goodbye to things we care about. Who wouldn't want to preserve the beauty, the vibrancy, the fun of things they've loved? I am trying to reach the receptive state of letting go. My subconscious mind already knows what to do. Time, only time...it will come, eventually.